Managers vs employees: what’s important in a manager?

Hey GirdleyWorld!

Today’s issue is a little different — I thought we could all learn from each other.

I’ve made a list of 23 behaviors I think are important in a manager. (As I’ve written before: behaviors are what really matters. Core values are stupid.)

But instead of just blasting it out, I thought we could poll the very smart crowd (you) that reads my stuff.

So here’s the drill:

  1. Read through my quick list of manager behaviors below.
  2. Rate the behaviors 1-5 on how important you think they are.
  3. See how everybody else has rated them.

To make it interesting, I’m collecting what managers think and what employees think separately. If you’re both, feel free to fill out both!

I explain each one a little bit below, or you can skip straight to rating the behaviors:

Rate as a manager here.

Rate as an employee here.

You’ll see the results in real time at the end.

How to be a great manager

1. Good managers encourage disagreement.

They welcome debate to find the best answer. Bad managers say they want your opinion, but they don't.

2. Good managers create external enemies.

They rally the troops behind a cause and a focus. Bad managers pit employees against each other to play politics.

3. Good managers shine the spotlight on others.

Bad managers hog the spotlight or crowd out the opinions of others, creating disengagement.

4. Good managers speak last.

They are information sponges before forming a viewpoint. Bad managers say they're open-minded but don't want your opinion.

5. Good managers support an employee's career journey.

Bad managers yell and scream when an employee leaves. They use fear to retain teammates.

6. Good managers learn how each employee is different.

Some need tough love. Some need a scorecard. Some need reassurance.

Bad managers believe everyone thinks like them.

7. Good managers spend most of their time with top performers.

They double down on the best. Bad managers spend all their time rehabbing poor performers.

8. Good managers don’t let chronic underperformers stay.

They change the role or help the employee find their next thing. Bad managers blame struggling employees and hope they improve.

9. Good managers build a bench of internal candidates to replace themselves.

They know great employees can become great managers. Bad managers live in fear and make it difficult for the company to replace them.

10. Good managers hire people much smarter than them.

Bad managers want to be the smartest person in the room.

11. Good managers attribute every success to their team.

And take the blame for failures. Bad managers take personal credit and find ways to blame you when it goes wrong.

12. Good managers are proactive around pay increases.

Money talks. For a great employee, fair pay is table stakes. But word gets around about great people. Others will try to recruit them. When you come to them before they come to you, you’re showing that you value them and are actively thinking about them. Feeling valued goes a long way.

13. Good managers get together in person.

If you’re remote, bring people together 1 or 2 times yearly. Or visit your employees in person. Every business can afford this — a few plane tickets are nothing next to the cost of replacing people.


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14. Good managers say thank you.

Everyone wants to feel appreciated. But many managers never say thank you. It seems simple, but you’d be amazed at how many people just… stop saying it.

Remember: different people want to be thanked differently. Pay attention. (More on that below.)

15. Good managers ask reports about their lives (and remember the answers).

Your employees are not objects to be used. Treat them as people, and show that in your actions. Learn and remember the names of their spouse and kids. Find out what their personal life goals are. Care about them as people.

16. Good managers make the job fun.

Sometimes, boring work has to get done. But do what you can to make it fun or exciting. If there’s no choice but to plow through a dull job, give them something to look forward to when the boring stuff is finished.

17. Good managers ask reports what makes them feel appreciated.

Everybody’s different. Some people like awards. Others like private words of affirmation. You don’t have to read minds: just ask them what makes them feel appreciated. Then do that.

18. Good managers share the big picture.

People WANT to hear the vision/mission. So share it and bring them along. Give them something big to buy into. (That’s why we’re so public about Girdley Media’s 10-year plan — it lets people know what kind of ship they’re climbing aboard.)

19. Good managers book time for quarterly career check-ins.

Dedicating space for this shows you care. (This is a great place to bring up those proactive pay increases.) Come away from that meeting with concrete next steps so everybody knows how to succeed. Make sure managers document these meetings.

20. Good managers measure engagement regularly.

My favorite system for this is Q12 from Gallup. Their 12 questions are free on their website, and they break down the science behind each one. This gives you regular insights into engagement, productivity, and obstacles. Keep tabs on this.

21. Good managers encourage skip-level meetings.

Have managers and leaders skip levels to talk to people throughout the org. This can be VPs calling their reports’ employees every quarter, or CEOs having candid chats when visiting offices. A star employee can suffocate under a bad manager.

22. Good managers keep a Super Star list.

Track the rock stars in the organization, and discuss these people at C-level meetings regularly. Go above and beyond at the executive level to keep them.

23. Good managers do real exit interviews.

Don’t wimp out here. This is a huge opportunity to get honest feedback. Ask with honest intention why they’re leaving, set your feelings aside, and really listen. You might learn something that keeps the next A-player.

Your turn. Tell me which ones you think are most important, and see how the ratings stack up.

Rate as a manager here.

Rate as an employee here.

Realtime results at the end!

3 things from this week

  • Appetizer: Did you know Doritos were invented by a Disneyland restaurant? And they never even told the management? Here’s the story in 30 seconds from some guy I found on YouTube.
  • Main: “Called Shots” from my buddy Dave Kline. He took over a team couldn't deliver. Everyone was working hard, but they were always behind. And they already had too many meetings — so he used this two-minute daily habit where everybody set 3-5 “called shots” for the day.

Dave is seriously the go-to guy for management. And if you want to fast-track your management skills, you can join the next cohort of his management accelerator program — and your company might reimburse you. (He didn’t even pay me to say that. He’s just that good.)

  • Dessert: Fun fact — there’s a miniature train next to the office I lease. It was the site of the LAST train robbery in the USA about 50 years ago.

Have a great week!


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